Yamaha FZ150i aka Yamaha Vixion
"I`m a proud owner of the yamaha fz150i. Just got the bike yesterday and
brought it for a spin. It`s awesome. Sound slighly like suzuki FXR but
much more better. Took it up to 140km/h and it was
very stable. Acceleration not so bad, dare not to comment bcoz I`m 90kg.
Very stable whentaking curve. Poured petrol for RM15...gauge went to F.
After 90km, poiter have not touch middle. Very suitable for my body
size 5'10'."
MalaysianBikers (currently offline but still can be viewed using google :) click on the cache not the actual link )
"Full tank moto ni dlm 20 hingit... boleh pegi 320-340km. so lebik kurang 0.06 sen/kilometer la. dulu lc aku 0.05 sen/kilometer. so mahal 0.01 sen jer..."